Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Days 39-41: Nashville

Sorry it has been quiet on the blog front lately!

We have been having a honky-tonk good time here in Music City so far. We were here once before about a year ago, but didn't get to experience the city as thoroughly as we would have liked too. So Nashville round two has been fun so far! We've seen live music a couple times, checked out Fort Nashborough, and wandered throughout downtown and Music Row. We ate breakfast one morning at a spot called Monell's, where everyone is seated together at a big table and the food is served family style. Corn pudding, baked apples, cinnamon rolls, roasted potatoes, bacon, sausage, ham, fried chicken, biscuits, gravy, apricot jam, grits..... It was a never ending barrage of unhealthy southern deliciousness. Needless to say, we were inclined to take a nap afterwards.

We've taken to going to Robert's Western World to get our music fix. The crowd is varied and lively, and the musicians are pure entertainers. We will have to take more photos and maybe even a little video to show this amazing upright bass player who is in one of the regular bands.

Photos from the last couple days include some signage around Music Row, Ernest Tubb's Record Shop, a band we saw, and an amusing display of hundreds of newspaper stands assembling underneath a bridge.

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