Monday, February 27, 2012

Days 26 & 27: Natchez Trace

Yesterday was our final day off in Tupelo. We started our day by making blueberry pancakes with a dry muffin mix and a little can of evaporated milk - yum! We walked a few miles to a grocery store for supplies, and yet another person pulled over to ask if we needed a ride. Friendly people in Tupelo! Jen also repaired a little hole in the tent with her mad sewing skills :) We shared our campfire in the evening with some colorful folks from the area who came to grill their hotdogs.

Today we walked 17 miles, and it was a beautiful day. However, the smooth sailing came to an abrupt end after three failed campsite scouting attempts. We finally found a good spot just before dark. We capped off the evening with Chris spilling cooked noodles all over the forest and crunchy forest debris in our dinner. Delicious. Chris also discovered a black widow spider under the tarp, which made us quickly retreat to the tent after dinner.

Photos from today are of the gravestones of 13 unknown Confederate soldiers.

Also, a quick announcement: today while walking, we had a couple driving a Jeep towing a Casita trailer slow down to ask Jen how her shin splints were feeling. The only folks that we know who have a Casita and know about our blog are Sheary and Nard of Anchorage (who we met at a campground near the beginning of our journey). They passed so quickly that we couldn't tell who it was! If you were the ones who saw us today, please leave a comment or send us an email!! (

1 comment:

  1. As the Casita-puller in question, I'd just like to say that we're only from Oklahoma. Although I used to live in Juneau once upon a long time ago.
    A ranger at the Mt Locust Inn mentioned your blog and the shin splints.
    I've got a cousin from Logan.
    Happy Trails!
    Roger & Mary
