Monday, February 6, 2012

Days 5 & 6: Natchez Trace

Yesterday was another long day on the Trace. Nothing specific to report, but we did log another 14 miles, which put us at mile marker 30.

One thing we have noticed so far is our tendencies to create routines and how quickly we've established certain task of our own. It's funny how we find ourselves creating order out of something that can be so unpredictable. We each have our own tasks around camp, whether it is setting up the tent or getting water heated up in the morning. It's nice to know that certain things are your own, while others will happen without you.

Today we walked 11 miles and set up camp, then walked 5 miles in and out of a little town called Port Gibson, for a total of 16 miles. We ventured into town for groceries, and thought we would find what the map called the "Port Gibson Historic District" but instead we found a lacking grocery store and shuttered storefronts. The visit into town was humbling and made us quite grateful to grow up in the places and with the families that we did.


  1. Hi there, Beth here. Long time reader, first time commenter ; ) Every so often, can you throw in little tidbits like what y'all are eating or what types of things you really miss that you didn't expect to miss. You should also take 'conversation starter questions' from your readers - spice the trek up with some unexpected topics. Just some thoughts - love reading along. Y'all are impressive! (I might have thrown in the towel when it rained for all of Day 1 on the Trace!)

  2. So, you're saying we shouldn't book our next vacation to Port Gibson?
